Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Hong is getting marry

I am sorry that busy on preparation on coming wedding dinner , and not able to update the delicious food here recently. However I will back to here afterward.^^

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Digestive Biscuits Cheesecake Base

Cake Base Cheese Cake (19).jpg
Cheesecake base is applied for most of cheesecake. Other than using the digestive biscuit, Oreo could be used to substitute. However, I sill prefer this cheesecake base with made of digestive biscuit .

250g Digestive Biscuits
30g Brown Sugar
15g Chocolate Powder
125g Melted Butter

Cake Base Cheese Cake.jpgCake Base Cheese Cake (2).jpgCake Base Cheese Cake (5).jpgCake Base Cheese Cake (6).jpg
I would like to recommend to use McVitie's digestive biscuit.Add the digestive biscuit into a plastic bag.Crush the biscuit by usAdd the crushed biscuit into a mixing bowl.
Cake Base Cheese Cake (7).jpgCake Base Cheese Cake (12).jpgCake Base Cheese Cake (13).jpgCake Base Cheese Cake (16).jpg
Prepares the rest of ingredient.Add the brown sugar and chocolate powder into the mixing bowl with crushed biscuit.Add the butter into the mixing bowl as well.Mix them until well combined.
Cake Base Cheese Cake (9).jpgCake Base Cheese Cake (10).jpgCake Base Cheese Cake (17).jpgCake Base Cheese Cake (18).jpg
Spread the butter at the base of cake mold.Spread the butter at the side of cake mold as well.Add the mixture into the cake mold.Press the mixture evenly on the base of cake mold. Then chill it at refrigerator for 10 minutes. Serve to be used.

3 2 1 Camera

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Baked Beer Cheesecake

Beer Cheesecake (27).jpg
This baked beer cheesecake has mildly beer taste, and it get you drunk, please enjoy it.

Digestive Biscuits Cheesecake Base
500g Cream Cheese
100g Cheddar Cheese, Grated
100g Castar Sugar
100g Cornflour (Cornstarch)
3 Egg
1 Egg Yolk
1 Lemon Zest, Grated (with juice)
50g Whipping Cream
100g Beer

Beer Cheesecake.jpgBeer Cheesecake (2).jpgCake Base Cheese Cake (19).jpgBeer Cheesecake (4).jpg
Prepare the ingredient as shown above.
Measure the ingredient as requirement accurately.
Prepare the cake base in advance.
For filling, start with ingredient (A) into mixing bowl.
Beer Cheesecake (5).jpgBeer Cheesecake (6).jpgBeer Cheesecake (7).jpgBeer Cheesecake (8).jpg
Cream the cream cheese till smooth.
Then add grated cheddar cheese cream till well combined.
Add the cornstarch and caster sugar from ingredient (B) , and cream till light and fluffy.
Add the egg from ingredient (C) and cream till smooth.
Beer Cheesecake (10).jpgBeer Cheesecake (12).jpgBeer Cheesecake (13).jpgBeer Cheesecake (14).jpg
Add the lemon zest and its juice cream till smooth.
Add the beer and whipping cream and cream until smooth.
Ensure all the ingredient are cream till well combined.
Prepare the cheesecake to be baked in water bath.
Beer Cheesecake (16).jpgBeer Cheesecake (17).jpgBeer Cheesecake (18).jpgBeer Cheesecake (20).jpg
Pour the cream mixture into cake mold.
Bake it at 160 degree celcius for about 60-70 minutes.
When the cake is done, it will appear brown on surface.
Insert the cake tester into the cake and pull it out, it is clean when the cake is done.

3 2 1 Camera

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Chilled Mango Cheesecake

Chilled Mango Cheesecake II (20).jpg
Chilled Mango Cheesecake II (19).jpg
This is my first chilled cheesecake. By comparing to the baked cheesecake, its making is slightly complicated.

Should the mango is not available, it can be replaced other fruits, e.g. banana or strawberry.

2 Mango, Diced
1 Tablespoon Lemon Juice
250g Disgetive Biscuit
125g Butter
20g Chocolate Powder
250g Cream Cheese
200g Whipping Cream
2 Tablespoon Gelatine Powder
6 Tablespoon Water
2 Egg Yolk
160g Caster Sugar
150ml Full Cream Milk

8" Round Cake Molds (with removable pan)
Rolling Pin

Chilled Mango Cheesecake (2).jpg
Prepare the ingredient as shown above.
Cake Base
Chilled Mango Cheesecake (3).jpgChilled Mango Cheesecake (5).jpgChilled Mango Cheesecake (6).jpg
01 - Crush the digestive biscuit.
02 - Add ingredients (A) into the mixing bowl.
03 - Blend the ingredients (A) evenly.
Chilled Mango Cheesecake (7).jpgChilled Mango Cheesecake (8).jpgChilled Mango Cheesecake (9).jpg
04 - Add the mixture into cake mold.
05- Press the mixture well so that the thickness is evenly.
06 - Keep the base in refrigerator for about 30 minutes, and set aside.
Chilled Mango Cheesecake (10).jpgChilled Mango Cheesecake (11).jpgChilled Mango Cheesecake (12).jpg
07 - Add the cream cheese into mixing bowl.
08 - Cream it till light and fluffy.
09 - Add the whipping cream till well combined.
Chilled Mango Cheesecake II (1).jpgChilled Mango Cheesecake II (2).jpgChilled Mango Cheesecake II (3).jpg
10 - For ingredient (C), add the gelatine in the water and place it over double-boiler. Heat the boiler and stir gelatine till it dissolve completely.
11 - For ingredient (D), add all the ingredient into bowl and place it over double-boiler. Heat the boiler for about 5 minutes and stir it till mix well .
12 - Then cool down mixture (D) to room temperature.
Chilled Mango Cheesecake II (5).jpgChilled Mango Cheesecake II (6).jpgChilled Mango Cheesecake II (8).jpg
13 - Add the mixture (D), (C) and (B) by sequence, then mix it well.
14 - Place the diced mango evenly on top of the cake base, then add the mixture into cake mold.
15 - Then keep it into refrigerator at least 3 hours or overnight.
Chilled Mango Cheesecake II (9).jpgChilled Mango Cheesecake II (11).jpgChilled Mango Cheesecake II (18).jpg
16 - Remove it from the refrigerator.
17 - Use the knife cut along the edge of cake mold.
18 - Feel free to enjoy the Chilled Mango Cheesecake.

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