Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Rice Cooker Chicken Rice

Rice Cooker Chicken Rice (6).jpg
Should you wish to prepare Claypot chicken rice at home, it could be easy to done with a electronic rice cooker. In order to enhance the fragrance, you can add the Hua Diao Jiu (Chinese Wine) or salted fish.

2 Chicken Drumstick,Chopped
1 Wax (Chinese) Sausage, Sliced
4 Mushroom
2 Cup Rice
Suitable Amount of Water for 2 Cup Rice

For the marinade:
1 Teaspoon Bean Sauce
1 Teaspoon Black Bean Sauce
1 Teaspoon Oyster Sauce

Mix the chicken thigh together with the marinade ingredients and leave to marinate for at least one hour.
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Cut the wax sausage into sliced.
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Soak mushrooms in hot water for about 30 minutes and cut into pieces.
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Add the marinated chicken, mushroom and the rest of the ingredient into the electronic rice cooker. Cook with the rice function.
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Dish and serve hot.
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It is optional to add a egg when the rice is done.

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Japanese Curry Chicken

Japanese Curry Chicken (7).jpg
Japanese Curry Chicken is sweet and fragrant, and it is not so hot as typical curry. Should like you like the mild curry , I would like to recommend you this popular dish. It is easy to prepare and Japan Curry Concentrated Sauces could be found from most of the supermarket.

2 Chicken Thigh
2 Potato, Peeled and Cut into Pieced
1 Carrot, Peeled and Cut into Pieced
1 Onion, Sliced
1 Tablespoon Grated Garlic
1 Japan Curry Concentrated Sauces
250ml Boiled Water

1/8 Teaspoon Salt

Japanese Curry Chicken.jpgJapanese Curry Chicken (1).jpgJapanese Curry Chicken (2).jpg
Prepare the ingredients as shown above.
Heat up 2 tablespoon oil in work and add onion and garlic.
Add chicken pieces and stir-fry till fragrant and the meat in firm.
Japanese Curry Chicken (5).jpgJapanese Curry Chicken (3).jpgJapanese Curry Chicken (9).jpg
Add Curry Concentrated Sauces, Boiled water, Potato and Carrot.
Cook at low heat till meat is tender and gravy in thick.
Add the salt, mix well and dish onto the serving plate. Serve hot with white rice.

3 2 1 Camera

Chilled Bailey's Cheesecake

Chilled Bailey's Cheese Cake (31).jpg
Bailey is my favourite wine. Hence I would like to introduce to you this Chilled Bailey's Cheesecake. If you like the strong cream favour, you should try it.

4 Tablespoon Bailey
200g Oreo Biscuit
100g Butter
250g Cream Cheese
70g Whipping Cream
2 Tablespoon Gelatine Powder
6 Tablespoon Water
1 Egg Yolk
50g Caster Sugar

6" Round Cake Moulds (with removable pan)
Rolling Pin

Chilled Bailey's Cheese Cake.jpg
Prepare the ingredient as shown. Start with making Oreo Cheesecake Base.
Chilled Bailey's Cheese Cake (5).jpgChilled Bailey's Cheese Cake (7).jpgChilled Bailey's Cheese Cake (9).jpgChilled Bailey's Cheese Cake (10).jpg
Crush the Oreo biscuit.
Add the melted butter and crushed Oreo biscuit into mixing bowl and mix well.
Add the biscuit mixture and press it evenly.
Keep the cheesecake base into refrigerator for about 30 minutes.
Chilled Bailey's Cheese Cake (13).jpgChilled Bailey's Cheese Cake (14).jpgChilled Bailey's Cheese Cake (17).jpg
For filling, cream the ingredient(B), cream cheese till smooth.
Add the whipping cream and cream till well combined.
Serve the cream cheese mixture aside

Chilled Bailey's Cheese Cake (18).jpgChilled Bailey's Cheese Cake (19).jpgChilled Bailey's Cheese Cake (20).jpgChilled Bailey's Cheese Cake (21).jpg
For ingredient (C), add the gelatine in the water and place it over double-boiler. Heat the boiler and stir gelatine till it dissolve completely. For ingredient (D), add all the ingredient into bowl and place it over double-boiler. Heat the boiler for about 5 minutes and stir it till mix well .Then cool down mixture (D) to room temperature.Add the mixture (D) into mixture (B) and mix well. Then add mixture (C).Mix them till well combined.
Chilled Bailey's Cheese Cake (23).jpgChilled Bailey's Cheese Cake (24).jpgChilled Bailey's Cheese Cake (25).jpgChilled Bailey's Cheese Cake (26).jpg
Then add Baileys into mixture.
Mixture with bailey liquid.
Mix them till well combined.Add the mixture into cake mold. Then keep it into refrigerator at least 6 hours or overnight.

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Monday, January 5, 2009

Orange Chocolate Butter Cake

Orange Chocolate Butter Cake (30).jpg
Should you consider adding a fruit into a butter cake, I would like to recommend you this Orange Chocolate Butter Cake. Other than adding the orange juice and its zest, the concentrate orange juice is add and made the butter even more delicious. ^^

250g Butter
210g Low Gluten Flour, Sieved
200g Caster Sugar
5 Eggs
1/2 Teaspoon Baking Powder
1 Orange, Sliced
1/2 Orange Zest
2 Tablespoon Concentrate Orange Juice
1 Teaspoon Vanilla Essence
20g Chocolate Powder

Prepared the ingredients as shown.

Orange Chocolate Butter Cake.jpg
Cream the butter until soft.Orange Chocolate Butter Cake (5).jpgOrange Chocolate Butter Cake (6).jpg
Add the sugar and beat until light and fluffy.
Orange Chocolate Butter Cake (7).jpgOrange Chocolate Butter Cake (8).jpg
Add the beaten eggs gradually, and cream till smooth and light.
Orange Chocolate Butter Cake (9).jpgOrange Chocolate Butter Cake (10).jpg
Add the concentrate orange juice and vanilla essence.

Orange Chocolate Butter Cake (11).jpg
Add the orange zest and mix till well combined.
Orange Chocolate Butter Cake (13).jpgOrange Chocolate Butter Cake (14).jpg
Fold in the low gluten flour and baking powder with spatula in one direction, either clockwise or anti-clockwise.Orange Chocolate Butter Cake (15).jpgOrange Chocolate Butter Cake (16).jpg
Remove 1/3 of mixture from the mixing bowl , then add the chocolate powder mix well till well combined. Pile the 2/3 mixture into pan and continue by 1/3 chocolate mixture. Place spoonfuls of the mixture, alternating the colour.
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Add the sliced orange on top of mixture. Bake it at 180 degree celsius for about 45 minutes.Orange Chocolate Butter Cake (21).jpgOrange Chocolate Butter Cake (22).jpg

Orange Chocolate Butter Cake (25).jpg
This cake in love shape is made for my wife.^^

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