Thursday, December 24, 2009

[Dessert] Sweet Basil Mashed Potato

Have you ever tried the basil favor mashed potato? Here is the opportunity for you to enjoy it.

50g Sweet Basil Leaf
300g Potato, Peeled and Cut into Pieced
80g Cheddar Cheese, Grated

Just a Pinch of Pepper Powder
Just a Pinch of Salt
1 Tablespoon Butter
2 Tablespoon Milk

Place sweet basil and a litte waterin a blender and blend until smooth.
Grate the cheddar cheese, serve aside.
Steam the potato for 10 minutes or until tender.
Steamed potato to be processed.
Mash the potato by using Potato Masher.Add the seasoning and mix well.
Add the sweet basil and mix well.
Last, add the cheddar cheese and mix well.
Place the mashed potato in a bowl and enjoy it.

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Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Meringue Italienne

This white frosting is used for topping cake which include cup cake as well. It is white color and always good for decoration or topping.

3 Egg White
180g Caster Sugar
60ml Water

Heat the water and caster sugar over medium heat.
While the syrup is going to boil, add the egg white into mixing bowl and whisk it.Heat the syrup to 120 degree Celcius. Add the syrup fradually to the egg white and continue whisk.
When the temperature of egg and mixing bowl is about equal, the Meringue Italienne is done.

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[Instant] Curry Chicken

It is simple to prepare curry chicken at home nowadays. All you need is just the Instant Sauce and you can made a absolutely delicious chicken.

2 Chicken Thigh, Cut into Pieced
3 Potato, Peeled and Cut into Pieced
1 Pack of Tean's Gourmet Curry Chicken Instant Sauce
300ml Boiled Water
250ml Coconut Milk

Heat 1 teaspoon of cooking oil into a pan .Add chicken thigh and curry instant sauce, stir-fry till fragrant and the meat in firm.Add the potato.
Stir-fry for another 5 minutes.
Add the boiled water and bring to boil, continue to cook for another 20 minutes with medium heat.
Add the coconut milk and bring to boil again. Serve hot with white rice or tumeric rice.

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