Sunday, July 19, 2009

[Baking] Double Chocolate Chips Muffin

Chocolate Chips Muffin
This Double Chocolate Chips Muffin is one of favorite of my beloved.^^

100g Butter
150g Caster Sugar
2 Egg
100ml Milk
20g Chocolate Powder
100g Chocolate Chips
160g Low Gluten Flour, Sieved
1 Teaspoon Baking Powder

10 Muffin Cups

Preheat oven to 170 degrees Celcius. Prepare the ingredients as shown on the right.

Chocolate Chips Muffin.jpg
Beat the butter until soft.Chocolate Chips Muffin (2).jpgPhotobucketChocolate Chips Muffin (3).jpg
Add caster sugar into butter, beat until light and fluffyChocolate Chips Muffin (4).jpgPhotobucketChocolate Chips Muffin (5).jpg
Beat in one egg at one time, beating well after each addition.Chocolate Chips Muffin (6).jpgPhotobucketChocolate Chips Muffin (8).jpg
Add the milk and mix well.Chocolate Chips Muffin (9).jpgPhotobucketChocolate Chips Muffin (10).jpg
Add the chocolate powder and mix well.Chocolate Chips Muffin (11).jpgPhotobucketChocolate Chips Muffin (12).jpg
Fold in the low gluten flour and baking powder with spatula in one direction, either clockwise or anti-clockwise.Chocolate Chips Muffin (14).jpgPhotobucketChocolate Chips Muffin (17).jpg
Fill the muffin cup with butter mixture about 70% full. Add the suitable of chocolate chips on top. Use the folk to beat the mixture lightly. Bake at 170 degree Celcius for 35 minutes.Chocolate Chips Muffin (18).jpgPhotobucketChocolate Chips Muffin (24).jpg

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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

How To Made A Perfect Hard-Boiled Egg

Instead of using hot water to cook hard-boiled egg, here is another method with using steam to prepare it. The later method can reduce the possibility of egg cracking with previous method.

Chicken Egg

Steam the egg about 10 minuted. It could be done with using the steam function of electronic rice cooker.
Immersing the egg in cold water.
It is relatively remove the shell from egg in cold water.
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Tuesday, July 14, 2009

[Baking] Marble Butter Cake II

It is my favourite marble butter cake again. I have add the milk to this cake to made it more soften.

250g Butter
210g Low Gluten Flour
200g Caster Sugar
5 Eggs
1/2 Teaspoon Baking Powder
20g Chocolate Powder
2 Tablespoon Milk

Prepare the ingredients as shown on the right.

Cream the butter until soft.
Add sugar in the mixing bowl and beat until light and fluffy.。
Add the beaten eggs gradually and beat tills well combined.Photobucket
Add the milk and mix well.
Sieved and stir in the low gluten flour and baking powder until the ingredients are just combined.Photobucket
Remove the 1/3 mixture from bowl. Pour the chocolate powder into it and mix well.
Pour remaining 2/3 mixture into cake pan then continue by the chocolate mixture.Photobucket
Use the folk to beat the mixture lightly to made the "marble" effect. Bake at 180 degree celcius for 45-50 minutes.Photobucket

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