Saturday, April 30, 2011

[Cheesecake] Original Favor Baked Cheesecake

The only cake that attract my wife is cheesecake. This is the recipe of the first cheesecake that I have made for her. It is my favourite cheesecake all the time.

Digestive Biscuits Cheesecake Base
500g Cream Cheese
50g Caster Sugar
50g Butter
30g Flour, Sieved
2 Tablespoon Lemon Juice
150g Original Favor Yogurt
1 Egg
3 Egg Yolk
3 Egg White
70g Caster Sugar
1/4 Teaspoon Salt

Add the egg white,70g caster sugar and salt into mixing bowl and whisk it.Whisk the egg white until fairly stiff but not dry.
Cream the cream cheese into another mixing bowl till soften.
Add the butter and 50g sugar and cream it till light and fluffy.
Add the beaten eggs and egg yolk gradually and beat tills well combined.
Add the original favor yogurt and mix well.
Add the lemon juice and mix well.
Fold in the flour with spatula in one direction, either clockwise or anti-clockwise。
Add the egg white mixture gradually and mix well.
Pour the cream mixture into cake mold which contain the digestive bisuit as a base.
Bake it at 160 degree celcius for about 60 minutes. Let it cool down to room temperature. Then keep it into refrigerator at least 3 hours or overnight.

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Thursday, April 28, 2011

[Home Cooked Meal] Steamed Minced Pork with Egg

Mum always made this meal when she was busy. It is simple to cook and can prepare it parallel with rice. Other than chicken egg, it can be replaced by salted duck egg.
200g Minced Pork
1/4 Carrot, Peeled & Stripped
1 chicken egg
1/8 tsp ground white pepper
1/2 tbsp soy sauce
Beat a egg into a bowl, add the minced pork, carrot , seasoning and mix well. Place the bowl into a rice cooker and cook with rice, once the rice is done, removed minced pork and serve it hot.

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Monday, April 25, 2011

[Thai Recipe] Green Curry Chicken

My friends brought this green curry paste from their Thaildand journey. My wife love it so much. With the ready paste, the curry can be preapre in much simple as well as delicious way.
50g Lobo Green Curry Paste
2 Chicken Drumstick, chopped into serving pieces
1 Tsp Cooking Oil
1 Red Onion, Peeled and sliced
150ml Coconut Milk
1 Liter Boiling Water
1 Long Shape Eggplant, Cut into serving pieces
30g Basil Leaves
5 Kaffir Lime Leave, Sliced Finely
1 Red Chili, Cut into pieced
1 Green Chili, Cut into pieces
1 Tsp Fish Sauce
Some Salt
Some Sugar
Heat up the frying pan, add the onion.Stir-fry the onion till semi-tranparent.Add the green curry paste and coconut milk, simmer till coconut milk start boiling.Add the chicken and boiling water, stir-fry the chicken till it almost done.
Add the eggplant and simmer it till tender.Add the chili, basil and kaffir lime leave and stir well. Add the seasoning to taste.

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Sunday, April 3, 2011

[Baking] Tiger Stripe Butter Cake

For the variation of marble butter cake, tiger stripe is another option of the butter cake.

250g Butter
220g Low Gluten Flour, Sieved
220g Castor Sugar
4 Eggs
1 Teaspoon Baking Powder
1 Teaspoon Vanilla Essence
125ml Milk
2 Tbsp Cocoa Powder

Place butter and caster sugar into the mixing bowl, beat until light and fluffy.Beat in one egg at one time, beating well after each addition.Add the vanilla essence and mix well.
Add the milk and mix well.Fold in the flour and baking powder with spatula in one direction, either clockwise or anti-clockwise.Divide the mixture into 2 portions. Keep one portions without adding anything.
Add the cocoa powder into another mixture and mix well.Grease the cake mold in advance. Pour in 3 tbsp original mixture into the center of mold. and continue with another 3 tbsp of cocoa flavor mixture. Repeat the step for the left over of mixture. Preheat the oven first before baking. Then bake it at 170 degree celcius for 45 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean.

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