Saturday, April 30, 2011

[Cheesecake] Original Favor Baked Cheesecake

The only cake that attract my wife is cheesecake. This is the recipe of the first cheesecake that I have made for her. It is my favourite cheesecake all the time.

Digestive Biscuits Cheesecake Base
500g Cream Cheese
50g Caster Sugar
50g Butter
30g Flour, Sieved
2 Tablespoon Lemon Juice
150g Original Favor Yogurt
1 Egg
3 Egg Yolk
3 Egg White
70g Caster Sugar
1/4 Teaspoon Salt

Add the egg white,70g caster sugar and salt into mixing bowl and whisk it.Whisk the egg white until fairly stiff but not dry.
Cream the cream cheese into another mixing bowl till soften.
Add the butter and 50g sugar and cream it till light and fluffy.
Add the beaten eggs and egg yolk gradually and beat tills well combined.
Add the original favor yogurt and mix well.
Add the lemon juice and mix well.
Fold in the flour with spatula in one direction, either clockwise or anti-clockwise。
Add the egg white mixture gradually and mix well.
Pour the cream mixture into cake mold which contain the digestive bisuit as a base.
Bake it at 160 degree celcius for about 60 minutes. Let it cool down to room temperature. Then keep it into refrigerator at least 3 hours or overnight.

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  1. This looks so delectable! Am bookmarking it ...;)

    The cake looks super delicious and lovely.

  2. Exquisite cream very tempting, looks absolutely beautiful, hugs ..

  3. What kind of flour should I use?
