Monday, January 2, 2012

[Chinese New Year Cookies] Pineapple Cookies

With the homemade pineapple filling to made the pineapple cookies, it is absolutely delicious without doubt.

500g Pineapple Filling
500g Flour
275g Butter, cubed
1 Tbsp Icing Sugar
1 Tbsp Custard Powder
1 Egg
1 Egg Yolk
Roll the pineapple filling into small ball. Each one is about 10g.Beat the egg yolk into a bowl and prepare the brush as shown above.
Sift the flour into a tray. Add the icing sugar and custard powder and mix well.Add the butter into the flour mixture and mix well by cutting the butter on flour.Add the chicken egg into center of mixture.
Cover the chicken egg with the mixture.Knead the mixture into a dough.Remove partial of the mixture and roll it into a diameter 3-4cm, further divide into small portion.
Roll the divided mixture into a small ball.Roll the small ball mixture into  round and think shape, add a pineapple jam ball into center of it.Seal the filling with the flour mixture.
Roll the mixture into pineapple shape. Made the line on the surface of cookies so that it looks like a pineapple. Coat the cookies with a think egg yolk.Preheat the oven first before baking. Then bake it at 170 degree celcius for 25-30 minutes. Keep them into a container once they cool down to room temperature.

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  1. Thxs so much for your recipes, you're so kind to share them. Please can you show me how to make fried peanut fritters? We moved to the USA 20 years ago, my mom used to make these for me n my daughter when she was still alive. Its just peanuts with skin on fried in some kind of batter. It would b a dream come true for my family. Thank you. Yoke

  2. Thxs so much for your recipes, you're so kind to share them. Please can you show me how to make fried peanut fritters? We moved to the USA 20 years ago, my mom used to make these for me n my daughter when she was still alive. Its just peanuts with skin on fried in some kind of batter. It would b a dream come true for my family. Thank you. Yoke

  3. Ah Hong, you have stopped this blog at Chinese New Year? Please keep blogging and sharing recipes.

  4. Hi Caca, it is my bad. While waiting for me to update, you can visit my chinese blog, Thanks for your support.
