Saturday, July 11, 2009

[Curry Lover] British Curry Pork

This British Curry Pork with mildly spicy is strongly recommended to those curry lover but can't afford too hot and spicy. ^^

2 Pork Belly, Sliced
2 Potato, Peeled and cut into pieced
1 Carrot, Peeled and cut into pieced
150g White Mushroom, Cut into quarter each
1 Onion, Peeled and sliced
1 Small pieced of Tender Ginger, sliced
1 Red Chili, sliced
1 Tablespoon grated garlic
300ml boiled water

2 Tablespoon British Curry Powder
4 Tablespoon Water

1/8 Teaspoon Salt
1/2 Teaspoon Sugar
1/8 Teaspoon Pepper Powder

Add the British Curry Powder into water and mix well.
Heat 1 teaspoon cooking up in a frying pan over high heat. Cook, stirring the onion and garlic until tender.
Add the pork belly and cook until light browned.
Add the white mushroom until browned.
Add the curry sauce and chili. Cook for 1 minutes.
Add the potato and carrot.
Add the boiled water and bring to boil, and simmer for 10 minutes, or potato until tender.
Season to taste with salt and ground pepper. Serve it with rice or spaghetti

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  1. seems like its been a while since you posted more recipes on your blog.
    You do have a very good blog indeed and i would like to visit it more often as it as more practical and homey dishes.
    What is british curry powder?


  2. Hi Linda, Thanks for your support. I will increase the speed to update the blog here. I am sorry for keep you waiting. :)

    Here are the photo of curry powder which package in bottle for your reference, . It is commonly found in most of the supermarket here.
